
  • Sopresso Salami

    Sopressa is a traditional salami of the Veneto region, in northern Italy. Tibaldi Sopressa is made from coarse ground pork and beef with selected herbs and spices

    Available sliced in: 1kg, 500g and 80g

  • Red / White Wine Vinegar

    Wine Vinegar can be used to bring out the sweetness in strawberries and melons, add a twist to spicy salsas and marinades and wake up the flavour of sauces and glazes

    Available in: 5L and 500ml

  • Italian Spianata Piccante Salami

    A Gourmet Specialties Line – The typical spianata of Calabrian tradition: chilli peppers and cubes of lard are added to its finely minced mixture, to give that spicy hot note typical of southern Italy

    Available sliced in: 1kg, 500g and 80g

  • Italian Milano Salami

    A Gourmet Specialties Line – Milano Salami is made according to the traditional, authentic Milanese recipe, in the classic wide slice shape that requires longer seasoning. It is produced with meat obtained from select pork shoulders, picked over and cleaned by hand, ground finely and processed with a cautious dose of aromas and spices

    Available sliced in: 1kg, 500g and 80g

  • Balsamic Vinegar

    Produced in Spilamberto, the historical home land of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena. Olitalia Balsamic Vinegars are the result of a long cooking tradition which takes the best from grapes and turns it into dark brown ambrosia

    Available Variants: Regular PGI and Aged 5 Grape PGI
    Available in: 5L, 500ml and 250ml

  • Pancetta Flat

    Traditional, tasty naturally wood smoked pork belly is a great addition to any recipe or as an alternative to regular bacon. It is heavily smoked and imparts a great additional flavour boost. Best served thinly sliced and lightly fried until crisp

    Available sliced in: 1kg, 500g and 80g

  • Grapeseed Oil

    With its delicate and rare flavour, this oil is a perfect, natural companion to healthy and tasteful food. Grapeseed Oil is a sensational, all purpose cooking oil which helps our bodies to keep in shape

    Available in: 1L

  • Coppa

    Made from a seasoned pork neck, the Coppa is dry cured in salt and firmed through strict temperature control. Best served thinly sliced

    Available sliced in: 1kg, 500g and 80g

  • Sunflower Oil

    Olitalia Sunflower Oil can become an important part of a healthy and balanced type of cuisine as it has both these qualities. This is why it has a wide range of uses in the kitchen

    Available in: 5L and 1L

  • Mortadella

    Traditionally Italian, this product has a spicy, delicate flavour that is best appreciated sliced thinly and served cold

    Available in three Variants; with whole black peppercorns, with sliced green olives, or with pistachio’s
    Available sliced in: 1kg, 500g, and 80g

  • Pomace Oil

    This is the perfect combination of refined pomace oil and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The refined olive pomace oil comes from the oil extracted from the pomace paste obtained after grinding in the mill

    Available in: 5L and 1L

  • Kransky

    A continental sausage in natural casing which is smoked and cooked, ideally used in casseroles and goulash for added flavour, or when having a BBQ

    Available in: 1kg, 2 and 4 packs
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